Flagpole Maintenance and Safety Inspections


At Flagpole Express we travel the length and breadth of the country carrying out safety inspections and maintenance repairs on flagpoles and flags, our team of engineers can quickly service, repair or install new flags, if you require a site visit or an annual safety reports on existing flagpoles please feel free to call one of our sales team for a no obligation quote.

We provide a regular flagpole maintenance service many people have their flagpoles installed and then forget to arrange for regular maintenance. Our poles are manufactured from the highest quality materials but if you want to achieve the longest lifespan out of your flagpole it is wise to arrange routine maintenance on a regular cycle. We can help you just call one of our sales team on the number above,

When you buy flags, it is important to take care of your flags. Just like when you buy flag poles a maintenance program is vital to get the best life span from your purchase,

Maintenance and regular inspections of Flagpoles, flags and banner systems is a legal requirement in three different statutory regulations,

The Health & Safety at Work Act requires.

"Maintenance of it in a condition that is safe and without risks to health"

Building regulations require.

"The inspection and maintenance of any services, fittings or equipment so provided"

Town & Country Planning regulations require

"The advertisement must not endanger any person"

"Any structure or hoarding used must be maintained in a safe condition"

The owner is also responsible for the maintenance, inspection and necessary repair of the structure or area that it is fixed, this will then comply with the above Regulations.

It is imperative that the installation does not go ahead if it is apparent that the structure to which the product is being fixed to is inadequate to provide a fixing that is compliant with regulations or will lead to failure.

If you are unsure of the quality of the area that you are installing a flagpole or banner system, we strongly recommend you consult a structural engineer.

We as company is not obliged to provide a maintenance and inspection programme however we do offer this service, owners are not obliged to take the maintenance contract offered by Flagpole Express Ltd.

The ultimate responsibility for maintenance and inspection rests with the owner,

Flags in wind and rainy conditions

We recommend that you don't fly flags in strong winds, please note that if it is windy at ground level it will be a great deal worse at the top of your flag pole, heavy rain combined with strong winds are the worst conditions for a flag, as the rain increases the weight of the flag and then in turn when the wind gusts there is a huge increase of force against the flag pole and halyard, prolonged use in these weather conditions will cause damage to your new flags. You should never fly any flags in force 7 or above weather conditions, if you buy flagpole with an external halyard it is advised to wrap the halyard around the flagpole once to prevent the clanking sound one the side of the flagpole, if your flag pole has an internal halyard system there is no need for this as the ropes run inside the flag pole. We recommend that when you buy flags, you buy them in pairs as it is very difficult to predict the life expectancy of a flag due to climatic conditions and the number of hours you fly your flag from your flag pole, flags are often used as an act of courtesy or promotion, and for this reason we recommend you buy flags in pairs so when one needs a wash or repair you can use your spare, so not losing the ability to fly your flags.